Loddon Valley Region
The Loddon Valley is located virtually in the centre of Victoria, through the Victorian Highlands and the Northern River Plains. The area is blessed with a Mediterranean Climate.
The Loddon Shire is 200 kms from Melbourne with an elevation of 90 metres, population of 7,514 and covers an area of 6,694 km2.
The main towns within the Shire are Wedderburn, Inglewood, Boort, Pyramid Hill, Bridgewater and also incorporates Dingee and Serpentine.
The average summer temperature is 29.5o with a min. of 14.8o. In winter the max. average is 14.4o with a min. of 4.4o. The annual rainfall is 250 mm to 450 mm.
The main industries of the Shire are agriculture, manufacturing and Health Care Services. Agriculture employs about 37% of the population with an average annual output of in excess of $200 million. The total area of Agricultural Holdings within the Shire is 532,289 ha.
Members are not only from the Loddon Valley area. The membership extends north to the Hay area where the annual rainfall is 368.3 mm, northwest to Ouyen, where the soils are lighter Mallee soils to Guilford in the South where the average rainfall is 500 mm average summer temperatures 28.6o to 12.8o and average winters are 12.2o to 3.4o, and then west to Wangaratta where the average rainfall is 510 mm